About Me

My photo
I live in Phoenix AZ, and have been working at the cable company since 1989, (I'll let you do the math...it depresses me too much!). I have a dog and a drum set at home that I play with/on regularly. Oh...and a computer. Duh... I shoot all Canon gear. Currently the 40D. I mainly focus on Glamour/Beauty/Artistic Nude photography, but I also love Event & Street photography!

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Ah...the Corporate Machine is in Full Motion in our Fast Food Nation today!

MSNBC - Sales fall at Wendy's after finger discovery

This link takes us to a story that is talking about the impact on sales that the fast food chain "Wendy's" is dealing with after a women found a Human Finger in her Chili at a Wendy's in Cailifornia. The analysts say that the restaurant won't suffer much in the long run. And really, I for one believe them. I mean, it's not like the food killed the poor woman or anything. (anyone remember back in 1993 when E. coli O157:H7 killed customers who ate at Jack in the Box? There was Bad Meat and quite a few people ate it.) Oh, wait. People still eat at JitB. Lots of people. Do you ever wonder why? Why we knowingly eat food that is not only nutritionally poisonous, but is fed to us by people who literally don't care if we die? Well, they care. If you die, you can't spend your money in their stores. It's because we are ADDICTED to it. It's cheap, it tastes good, it's readily available, and NO ONE thinks that eating that one time in the fast food store of their choice is a problem. Well, in case you missed it in the Theatres, you really need to take a look at this movie: Super Size Me. And THEN you need to read the book: Fast Food Nation. These two resources together speak far more elegantly than I ever could on the subject.
Do me a favor, let me know your thoughts on this subject. Really. I am interested to know. Leave a comment here on the Blog. Let's start a discussion!

Oh, I was doing a bit more reading on line, and I found this interview with the author of Fast Food Nation: Eric Schlosser that you may enjoy.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Working like a Dog...I WISH!

As far as I can tell, my dogs jobs are to lay around the house, bark when someone is at the door, run in the yard and play, eat food they don't have to buy, drink water they don't have to fetch, look cute when they want something, lay around the house (more), get all the attention they could ever want just by walking up to you, lay around the house (still more) and then sleep.
THAT is the JOB for ME!

Instead, I have a job that puts my on my butt 10 hours a day infront of a computer and talking on the phone. Sigh...

Over the past few weeks there have been some good things and some bad things happen to me and the world in general that have severly affected my desire to write things here. And then, when I DO want to write, I want to write about EVERYTHING. And I know that this is not possible. So, let me take one or two things and see if I can make sense out of them. I went on a date last Sunday. An honest to goodness date. Met her through an on line personal ad and talked on the phone and set up a date and went. Whew! It has been a loooonnng time since THAT happened to me! I think it went well, but there doesn't seem to be a big spark-o-romance from it. In fact, it took about a week before I got an email back from her after the date, only to learn that she has "Pink Eye" and is laying low for the weekend. And I believe her too since her eye was a bit red when we met. But the thing is, I did it. And it was fun. And I want to do it some more. (Ladies, any takers?)

Let's see...what else. My business dealings are not going as smoothly as I would like, but I won't bore anyone with the details here...

Oh, They caught the man who abducted and killed a little 9 year old girl in Florida. At this time, I am working on rusting up a really dull knife I have and thinking about a day trip to FLA to try and speed up the process of clensing the gene pool. Anyone want to go for a ride with me?

Hhhmmm...Tax season is here. 'Nuff said about that...

And this is about all I can write at the moment because Unlike my dogs, when I go to Work, I have things I actually need to accomplish, and Blogging is just a temporary distraction. Back to the grind for me...

Monday, March 07, 2005

Feeling a little inadequate

There are so many times when I encounter other people in one way or another that just makes me feel...inadequate. I know that there are friends and family members in my life that would vehemently disagree with that sentiment. But, that's what friends and family do. Hell, I do that for friends and family too when I discover thier feelings of inadequacy. I can't help it. I see them as the people that I need them to be. Intelligent, kind, generous, loving, worthwhile people. But even though all of those words are accurate, it doesn't stop them from feeling the way they do at times. We all go through it. At least, that is what I tell myself to comfort myself when feeling this way. But even if it's just SOME people and not ALL people that feel this way, I know it's a natural feeling. The issue is whether we let that feeling rule our lives or not. Recently I have been. I need to stop, but I am having difficulty finding the fire to light under my own butt.
For those of you who know me that are reading this...don't panic. I am just going through a "down" cycle. Maybe it's the meds I have been taking for my diabetes. Maybe it's something else. Whatever it is, it won't last forever. I know this. I just hope it ends soon.

Thanks for letting me bend your ears (eyes??) and vent to you a bit. It really does help.

It's been a while

I haven't been posting here as often as I would like. Mainly because I haven't been in the mood to examine my life closely enough to write anything interesting enough to merit bothering people with it. In fact, this post falls into that exact catagory. But, I felt that interesting or not, deeply introspective or not, worthwhile or not...I need to write something. If only to be certain that I still know how to type without staring at the keyboard the whole time. And it seems that I do since these last two sentences were typed while staring at the TV screen here at the office only pccasionally spot checking my spelling when I feel that I flubed a word or two. How am I doing?
OK...enough drivel for now. I hope to be more in the mood to write something interesting soon. When I do...you all will be the first to know. Well, technically the second to know since I would really be the first to know...you know?