About Me

My photo
I live in Phoenix AZ, and have been working at the cable company since 1989, (I'll let you do the math...it depresses me too much!). I have a dog and a drum set at home that I play with/on regularly. Oh...and a computer. Duh... I shoot all Canon gear. Currently the 40D. I mainly focus on Glamour/Beauty/Artistic Nude photography, but I also love Event & Street photography!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Winter's End: The Dark One's Feb Party

Tonight is the Feb Party and I am a bit excited because I have been "commissioned" to take portraits at the party this year. So not only will I be roaming the party shooting pics of the event, but I have a space set up just for me to do the portraits of DO/DOA'S that will be used on the new profile page of the new DO website. I am also participating in the Game we are running at the party so I expect to be pretty busy tonight...and I still have some prep work to do before tonight, but I wanted to post something today to test my new CrackBerry's functionality...Seems to be working!
Keep your eyes on my Flickr pages for my postings of tonights pics!
