Tonight is the Feb Party and I am a bit excited because I have been "commissioned" to take portraits at the party this year. So not only will I be roaming the party shooting pics of the event, but I have a space set up just for me to do the portraits of DO/DOA'S that will be used on the new profile page of the new DO website. I am also participating in the Game we are running at the party so I expect to be pretty busy tonight...and I still have some prep work to do before tonight, but I wanted to post something today to test my new CrackBerry's functionality...Seems to be working!
Keep your eyes on my Flickr pages for my postings of tonights pics!
Westcott FJ800 and FJ400 II: Portable powerhouses with advanced features
Westcott has announced its latest strobes – the FJ800 ($999.90) and FJ400
II ($599.90) Touchscreen Strobes. They bring some serious capability for
18 hours ago