About Me

My photo
I live in Phoenix AZ, I worked at the cable company from 1989 thru 2024, (I'll let you do the math...it depresses me too much!). I shoot all Canon gear. Currently the 7D Mk II. Lately I have been focusing on Live Event & Street photography! Such as the Arizona Ren Fair and Phoenix Fan Fest.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Myst Nightclub Lingerie Show

Here are the first three images from the Lingerie Show event at the Myst Nightclub in Scottsdale AZ. The event took place on April 9th, 2008.

I shot over 750 images...so there is a lot of work yet to be done!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Rush: Snakes & Arrows

The Rush tour came to Phoenix on the first. John got us tickets which was really cool of him. Then, he won a contest and we got to MEET THE BAND!!

So...here's me and John...with these silly grins on our faces standing next to two Rock & Roll LEGENDS: Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson... This was the best day I have had in a looooong time! As soon as I can get the pics & Vids off my phone I will post some here!

Friday, May 02, 2008

At the Gates of Heaven

As you know St.Peter guards the gates of heaven.
One day he needed to pee and asked Jesus to guard the gates for him for a little while.
Jesus, being a very kind and willing man said that he would.

Soon after, an old man with a beard appeared and started to walk towards Jesus. When the man got to the gates Jesus thought he looked familiar.

Jesus stopped the man and said, "I don't mean to be nosey sir, but did you have any children?"

replied the old man in a sad voice. "One son, but he died. Then he had nails put through him."

Then Jesus asked the old man what type of work he did on earth.

"I was a carpenter"

"Father?"asked Jesus.

"Pinocchio?" asked the man...