*Disclaimer: This comment is directed to the public in general and is NOT directed toward anyone specific poster of these videos.
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I have seen postings of these "Scary" videos floating around on line for a while. You know, the vids that capture the reactions of innocent people when someone jumps out of a refrigerator at them...or comes out of the closet with a Chainsaw... I'm sure you've seen your share. You may have even thought they were funny. I don't know how that is. Hhmm...Maybe it's just me. Maybe I am a "Fuddy Duddy".
Personally, I find no humor in watching people scare others to the point that they may actually injure themselves. People falling off ladders...propelling themselves backwards into solid objects, striking out with whatever is in their hands at what or who ever is in front of them with the mask...
I'm sure one of the thoughts of some of the people who will read rant of mine will be that I am taking this too seriously and I should lighten up! Learn to laugh at stuff! They may even come at me with a serious attempt to justify why it's funny. Hey...I love a good discussion, but I have to wonder: When you hear from a friend or on the news about people taken to the hospital for serious injuries they incurred from being the target of these activities...do you laugh at that too? Do you feel a desire to try out a scare-gag or two yourself? Maybe post a video online and get your 15 minutes of "eFame"?
If you do, my advise to you is: Please keep your distance from me. I can not and will not be held personally responsible for the damage I am likely to inflict on you during my reaction to a prank you pulled just because because you thought it would be "Funny" to scare me.
However, even if you don't take my advice, I still offer this to you: I Promise I Won't Laugh as you speed away to a medical facility with the Broken Arm, or cracked rib you got when things didn't go as you planned.
Well...I might snicker a little, but you won't mind...will ya?
About Me

- Steven
- I live in Phoenix AZ, I worked at the cable company from 1989 thru 2024, (I'll let you do the math...it depresses me too much!). I shoot all Canon gear. Currently the 7D Mk II. Lately I have been focusing on Live Event & Street photography! Such as the Arizona Ren Fair and Phoenix Fan Fest.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
You don't REALLY think that's FUNNY...Do You? (Yes, this is a serious Rant. I'm not being facetious...)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Confession of a Photography Hack: Standing on the Dock of Uncertainty
After viewing this video and then reading this post on Zack Arias' photography blog, I feel compelled to write this confession: I have been standing on the dock my entire life.
Every so often I will climb aboard a little tour boat and go off somewhere for a "safe" holiday. And when I arrive at that "other place", I am able to see where I came from I start thinking to myself: "Wow! I made it! I'm somewhere else!"
But eventually my vacation ends. And when the journey is finally over and I disembark from my tour boat, I realize that it has returned me to the same place I started from. And the most disturbing thought about it is this: I was steering the boat the whole time!
I know that I could have steered that boat anywhere. Yet I chose to come back "here". Again and again in my life I
have taken the same boat on the same tour and each time I think this will be the last time I take it. I believe that when I get off the boat this time, I really will be someplace new and different!
It happened with my Art: After High School, rather than attend College I attended a Graphic Design school. But I never became a Graphic Artist.
It happened with my music. Although I played drums in a garage band for 6 years back in the 90's, I never become a Real Musician.
It happened with my Business: I got involved in Real Estate Investing back when the bubble was still growing bigger and bigger. But I didn’t work it the right way and wound up having to ditch my investments.
And it’s happening with my Photography: I didn't go to school for it. Now I am feeling with more and more frequency that my lack of formal education in fully understanding the technical stuff is preventing me from succeeding.
But, I do recognize that I have some skills. I have had much positive feedback from people-not-my-family/friends. And yet I still struggle internally with doubts and a serious lack of confidence. I struggle with learning about lighting. I buy books and I even read thru some of them. I buy “Learn to be a Photographer” DVD’s and such as well. I attend workshops on lighting and such, and really do learn some good things. But while I see others taking it to the “Next Level”, I am still trying to figure out a good Workflow, and Filing System. Still trying to learn how to place the lights based on knowledge, rather than just “guessing”.
They say that we are our own toughest critics…and I am here to tell you “They” are right! The more I shoot and show my work the more I am afraid of being seen as a Photography Hack…One of those Digital Guys that the Old School Film shooters are always bitching about because we steal their business by offering Photographic Services on the Cheap or even “Gasp!” for Free! (TFP)
Yet somehow I haven’t considered selling my gear. I just keep hacking away behind the camera and in Photoshop. I continue trying to learn about lighting ratios, and how to distinguish in advance what the effects on an image will be when I change the shutter speed or the f/stop. I work on learning how to effectively use the gazillion Light Modifiers which are available to me. I keep working on learning the technical stuff just to throw it all away when I have a subject in front of me and I am finally able to lose myself in the process of Creating My Art.
By the way, I do still play my Drums. I’ve got a kit setup in the living room, much to the neighbor’s dismay I’m sure. And I am able to lose myself in the rhythms when I play, even though it is just me playing by myself. And I do still like to draw at times…but I have to admit that everything takes a back seat to the Passion of Photography. And by everything I include The Doubt, The Fear, and The Apprehension I feel whenever I don’t have a camera in my hand…
Weird, huh?
Friday, July 24, 2009
Subscribe to this blog with Feedburner!
So I am asking all who are currently receiving updates to PLEASE go to the blog page itself and subscribe using the "Subscribe Via Email" option at the top of the screen.
Once you have subscribed, LET ME KNOW with a message directly to me and I will pull your email from the Yahoo Groups Distribution List...that way you won't get multiple emails from every post!
In a few weeks I plan on discontinuing use of the Yahoo Group completely so if you have any interest in continuing to be notified of new posts, please take a moment to use the new Feedburner tool.
As always your comments & continued support are much appreciated!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The Dark Ones on Flickr
Here's a sample of what's to come:
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Just a post to pass the time
But, just to throw a few things out there here's a basic update, in no particular order...
I had a photo shoot yesterday with a model named Franchesca. She and I actually work at the same place, but in different departments so once we learned of each other, and I mean that in the "Oh! You're a model? I'm a photographer!" "Oh! You're a photographer? I'm a model" kinda way...we talked about what kind of images she wanted to add to her portfolio...and decided on Pinup style. Cool! Pinup is fun cuz it's all about the attitude! I got my MUA on the job, and she brought a Hair Stylist and it was off to the races! Sorta. I have been having some technical issues with my lighting rig, and wound up spending too much time having to deal with that. Consequently I wasn't at all as happy with the lighting rig as I have been in the past.
But, I still feel we got a number of quality images to choose from so I'm feeling good about that...
hhmm...let's see...something NOT photography related...Oh! I actually filed my taxes ON TIME this year! Woot!! I'll be getting a nice refund from Fed & State so that's nice.
I am (once again) doing a Refi of my mortgage to lower the interest rate from %6.5 to %5.5 and save about $160/month. That will be good, if it goes as planned. My Mtg guy has all the paperwork, so now it's just a matter of making arrangements to close before the end of April.
When I am done with this...I don't think I will even THINK about Real Estate again for at LEAST 20 years!
What else...what else...Oh! Due to high demand, my friend Jessie has decided to open his American Taijutsu school again and is operating out of my backyard because he lives in a townhouse and doesn't have a yard. Class is on Sun mornings & Wed evenings...I work on Sundays, but am off on Weds so I should be able to attend at least once a week. Woot!
Now I need to move some stuff around on the porch and create a storage space for class related items...
hhmm...Still don't have a girl in my life. That's really annoying because I think I am ready for another relationship...I just don't know how to get one. Hell, I Never knew how! Connecting with Judy all those years ago was a fluke! (A very happy fluke, but a fluke nonetheless!)
I just don't know how to meet women...other than as potential photography clients. That's easy. "Hi! My name's Steven and I'm a photographer. I would love to work with you...here's my card..." That's actually worked a couple of times, so I ain't giving it up...I just need to somehow convert that to: "Hi! My name is Steven...I would love to take you to Dinner, here's my card..."
Believe me I've thought about it plenty of times...but have yet to pull it off.
And that is all I have time for at the moment. Thanks for letting me rant at you. Feel free to Rant Back via the comments... Really! Leave me comments! DO IT! :)
Sunday, March 08, 2009
To all friends of Sarge:

To all friends of Sarge,
Today we received the tragic news that we have lost one of our own—Kelly Sabucco, aka “The Sarge”. He left us at 5:30am on Saturday, March 7th, 2009. He was 41. He leaves behind his mother Nancy and a daughter, Jonna-Rae.
He was the one-man “Brute Squad” for ROCKY HORROR security, a lifelong fixture at Phoenix-area science fiction conventions and other fandom events, the guy who put out all the free posters at Chandler Cinemas, and a man who had not paid to see a movie in almost ten years (because he always saw the sneak previews!). He was a gentle giant, a true comrade, and a gentleman.
His mother is not planning any services, but she has given her blessing for his friends to do so. So we will be hosting a memorial service for him at Chandler Cinemas next Friday night at 8pm. The Memorial will be free; all ages may attend. Details below. The following Mardi Gras ROCKY HORROR performance will be dedicated to his memory (which I'm sure is making him smile, wherever he is).
As his mother is on a fixed income and his passing (including the interment costs) will be a great hardship for her, we will be taking up a collection to help her in this difficult time. There may also be a sale or auction of some of his belongings. (Details are still being worked out.)
He will be missed and mourned by so many of us, in all the different social scenes that he moved within—and which he helped network between, and glue together. Wherever you knew him from—ROCKY, conventions, movie premieres—I would like to invite everyone to be there. I can think of no better tribute than to bring together all his friends, from all his many social circles, in one place, in his memory.
If anyone has photos, video or other remembrances they’d like to share, please contact me with the info below.
A memorial page can be found at http://azrocky.com/index_files/Page385.htm and his Myspace profile is at www.myspace.com/itsthesarge . Please pass this message along to anyone else who should know.
I hope to see as many of Sarge’s friends as possible next Friday night.
Genuine Love
Matthew Yenkala
602 502 8421
EVENT: Memorial Service for Sarge
TIME: Friday, March 13th, 2009, 8pm-10pm
LOCATION: Chandler Cinemas, 2140 North Arizona Avenue, Chandler AZ 85225
(NW corner of Arizona Ave & Warner, behind Target)
INVITED: Everyone is welcome; no cost; no age restrictions
That night’s Mardi Gras ROCKY HORROR performance (18+) will be dedicated to his memory.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Winter's End: The Dark One's Feb Party
Keep your eyes on my Flickr pages for my postings of tonights pics!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Feels like a slump
Well, maybe you won't feel that way after reading this. To start things off I want to state/warn that this posting is very much a free flowing expression of thoughts as they occur to me. Or at least as quickly as possible given that I have to pause to actually type the thoughts out and do a lot of backspacing to correct typo's as I see them...
So, on to the substance: I'm in a slump. Slumping in work (a bit, but not horribly). Slumping in my hobbies. Those of you reading this who know me...which I assume is just about everyone, since I don't really get people reading this blog from the outside...well you know that I have two main hobbies in my life: Drumming and Photography.
They are both very different and very exciting ways for me to express myself. Not that I think too much about the "expressing myself" part but even I have to admit that it's pretty much what it all boils down to. In Photography I express myself when I take action to make a photo shoot happen by finding an inspiration, finding the key players to help me make the vision a reality (Models, MUA, Stylists etc...) and then doing the post production work on the images to create a final piece of work. Of course it should be stated that these days, with the advent of the Digital Photographic Era and photo editing software such as Photoshop and others, there is the strong possibility that an image is NEVER really done. Taking it thru the creative process and tweaking it again and again is always possible now. That's a pretty rare thing for me to do, but I have to acknowledge that it's a possibility.
But normally, once I figure out what I want the image to look like and get it as close as possible, I'm done with it. I have to be because there are a gazillion other images demanding my attention!
However, at the moment, there is just no real incentive to push myself to work on images...and there is a nagging thought in my mind that is actually slowing me down. Simply put the thought is this: There are too many options for where to take an image and I can't make the decision right now!
Yeah, big surprise. I know...
Often times my other hobby is useful for helping out of this funk. Playing drums in a band that focuses on music from a very narrow sliver of time, and is then limited further by only being able to play a few of those songs due to the limitations of the band (we are a 3 piece and have no Keyboards and no way to adequately produce Vocal Harmony) means that my choices of what and how to play something are also rather limited. This is normally not a problem for me as the simple act of playing the music with other musicians is often enough of a thrill to make the whole thing worthwhile.
And you had to know there would be a "but..."
For various reasons there is less and less satisfaction to be had with both of these passtimes.
For one thing, I want to make Photography much more than a "Passtime" and have grand visions of amazing images I want to create...but am lacking the key element in making it all happen: My Muse. The model I can connect with and find inspiration in that will cause me to WANT to go thru all the trouble of a photoshoot.
I have a gut feeling that I may have met a strong candidate for this role. But it's not a forgone conclusion that it will happen.
She's got the right "look" but I don't know if she has it inside to be able to fulfill this role.
Me being who I am, I feel a tinge of regret at this because I really want her to work out, but I get the distinct sense that the obsticles will be greater than we can overcome. At least for the now.
Who knows what the future holds? I certainly don't...at least I don't know anything further than the fact that I will be going to sleep relatively soon as I have obligations in the morning tomorrow and it's already 10:30pm and I haven't even beGUN to do the photo editing that needs to be done.
I blame you.
Yes, that feels right to me...
I have a few things to rethink...
I recently had a first date with a girl I met a few years ago and have often thought about.
She's sexy, intelligent, talented, yadda yadda... but as with anyone, has more sides to her than originally meet the eye.
I have hopes of advancing things with her on a variety of levels. Personally, Photographically, Musically...
But it's been said that hopes are not a thing one is always capable of hanging a hat upon...
It's time for me to rethink a few things...
More later.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Access dB Woes
I am in charge of updating a file that tracks the On Call techs for a variety of different departments each week. As it is, each department has a schedule for the year, and I access each individual schedule to import the current weeks data to a "Master" file that my department uses during "After Hours".
So my desire is to automate the process so that the current weeks on call information is automatically called up when the file is accessed. I know this is possible, I just don't know how...so I was playing in Access hoping to get a better feel for how to make it work, but I have no real knowledge of Database structure outside of a very basic understand that the Data is stored in Tables, etc...
So, after dinking around in Access for about an hour I have come to the conclusion that I want a cheeseburger...