About Me

My photo
I live in Phoenix AZ, and have been working at the cable company since 1989, (I'll let you do the math...it depresses me too much!). I have a dog and a drum set at home that I play with/on regularly. Oh...and a computer. Duh... I shoot all Canon gear. Currently the 40D. I mainly focus on Glamour/Beauty/Artistic Nude photography, but I also love Event & Street photography!

Saturday, November 30, 2002

Testing testing...anyone there? No? Good! Then I can finally run around the house NAKED!! Woo Hoo!!

Saturday, November 16, 2002

The COOLEST search engine on the PLANET! I know this because they said it is. They wouldn't LIE about something like that...would they??
It has been quite a long time since I have been here. The truth is...and this is no surprise to me, nor should it be to anyone that knows me very well (there aren't TOO many people in THAT catagory...) I FORGOT that this site was even here! I remember having a conversation with a friend recently where the term "Blog" was mentioned, and my friend asked what it ment. Of course I answered that, and in the back of my mind I KNEW that I even HAD a Blog of my own...but I couldn't remember any of the details on it. I couldn't remember the name of the site that hosts it, and I certainly couldn't recall the URL! If it weren't for the fact that I copied myself on the email I sent to my friends about that interesting question that I asked last time I was here...I would have had a hell of a hard time finding this place again!
You may be asking yourself why I didn't bookmark the site. Well. I did. But at some point the IT department swapped my machine at work, and all of my old "favorites" went with the old machine. Pretty silly, eh? Well, now I have this site as one of the links off of one of my many other Home Pages that I have. The one from iGlide.net. I think I will also add it to the "My MSN" page from my Hotmail account as well, just to be safe. BRB. <...Time Passes...>
OK. That is done. I feel better now. Maybe having that link there will actually prompt me to come back here more often! Maybe not...

Saturday, August 31, 2002

I have had a few great responses to my Question that I posted on Aug 24th. Some of you people are pretty deep thinkers! (Judy...) But I would like more. So, here's the deal. Send me mail at: wilgar@cox.net and I will take some of the best responses and post them here...yeah. As if anyone is going to READ this thing!
If you have a different "spin" or your own question to pose, send that to me as well! (Does it seem too obvious that I don't get a lot of mail (Spam not included...)
OK...That's all for now! I may be back later today though...

Saturday, August 24, 2002

Question: What is the more effective incentive in shaping a young boys life? Being shown a Negative result or a Positive result?

Example I: An "Old Man" who is bitter, and beaten down by life sees a young boy who is happy and full of energy. The boy is whistling to himself, and is not shy about doing so in the presence of the Old Man. Looking down at the boy, he cracks a small smile as he remembers his youth and says, "Don't ever lose your youthful attitude or you will become a bitter old man like me!" The little boy recoils away from the old man in revulsion.
Example II: The same boy, still whistling out loud is spotted by another man who is the same age as the first one, but is healthy and successful in his life. This other man sees the boy and whistles along with the child! Looking down at the boy he says, "Don't ever lose your youthful attitude and you will become a successful man like me!" The little boy starts whistling again, and is again joined in by the older man.

So, back to the question. Is the revulsion at seeing the bitter old man more or less powerful to the boy then the positive experience of whistling with the successful man? Which will be more of a guiding life experience for the child to look back on? Will he say to himself: I DON'T want to be like the bitter old man, so I will always keep my youthful attitude!" Or, does he say to himself: "I want to be JUST like the successful man when I am old, so I will always keep my youthful attitude!"

Tuesday, August 13, 2002

I am writing this in a frenzied spurt of activity. Mainly just to see the words on the screen. This new toy will eventually lose it's intense interest to me I am sure. But not yet. I think it will take a negative experience with it to cool me off of it at this point. Like...continually not being able to log on from home!

About my style: I seem to trend towards liking the fast little notes that can be dashed off quickly before the thought fades. That is what I do best. There are a lot of ideas that run through my mind as to what would be a good thing to write, but quite frankly I have never been able to stay motivated for long enough to accomplish even scratching them down on paper. However, typing it as I think it makes it that much more rewarding!

I hope to write something that makes more sense real soon now...
It was weird...I tried to access my Web Log last night from home and was told that I didn't have the correct password. But today, using the SAME password, it works from my machine at work again. I am not sure what is the cause of this, but it it continues to be an issue, this will be a very short relationship that I have with blogger.com...

Monday, August 12, 2002

Ever since I first heard about web logs, I have thought that it was something that I would really like to do. I went searching the Web for info, but as so often happens there was so MUCH information, and not all of was relevant to what I wanted to know that I wasn't able to take action. I was stymied, not for lack but for excess information!
So it is rather strange that, months after I had forgotten that I was interested in Blogs, I would happen across a hyperlink reference to blogger.com whilst engaged in a totally different web surf. I was looking at a sight that gives definitions to technical buzzwords
Lo and behold, it led me here. I looked over the information that was abundant, yet not overwhelming and read the Service Agreement (yes...I really DID read it!). Then, as if you couldn't tell, I signed up.
There are a number of times in my life that I tried to keep a diary or log (is there a difference between the two?) but was never able to follow up with any consistency. It is my HOPE that this electronic format will actually enable me to keep some semblance of regularity. Bah! Who am I kidding!!??

And So It Begins...

Greetings! This is my Very First Entry to my brand new blog! There is not a lot to say here at the moment...but as thoughts and ideas come to me, this is the place I have chosen to put them!