About Me

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I live in Phoenix AZ, I worked at the cable company from 1989 thru 2024, (I'll let you do the math...it depresses me too much!). I shoot all Canon gear. Currently the 7D Mk II. Lately I have been focusing on Live Event & Street photography! Such as the Arizona Ren Fair and Phoenix Fan Fest.

Sunday, July 11, 2004

9 days of Blissful "Not Workingness"

The countdown continues for my mini vacation. Only 3 days to go including today until I get a much needed break from the daily grind of coming to the office to sit in front of a computer and talk on the phone for 10+ hours a day. So, on my vacation I will be able to stay at home and sit in front of a computer and talk on the phone for as many hours a day as I like!

But the difference is, at work, I have specific duties to perform that require much more thought and attention to detail than my home computer activities require. (I mean how much attention to detail does 5 hours of "Battlefield 1942" require!? I can tell you from experience, not a lot...)

And yet, I keep telling myself "All I need is some time off of work and I can get my room cleaned, straighten out the office, work on my business, and cure cancer...if only I didn't have to go back to the office tomorrow!"

Well...here's my chance. After my shift on Tuesday I don't go back until the FOLLOWING friday. Is that cool or what? And it's only costing me 3 days of PTO time to get that done too...there are times when I really like working here!

So, the plans for my off time are these:

Thursday - Doctor's appointment. (Need to get bloodwork done before that day I believe...fun fun fun.)

Saturday: Attend a meeting for my Real Estate Investing Network. (Shameless Plug Warning: This is my page for people who are interested in learning how to do what I am doing.)

After these things, I think I am clear to take a day trip out of town with my mom and head north for a day, maybe to Sedona. I was actually hoping to go up there with a friend of mine, but she isn't available due to her work schedule. And besides, mom's been bugging me to take her on a trip up north for some time now...

So let's see...that leaves the rest of my time off unscheduled. As long as I can keep the Battlefield urge to a minimum, I might just be productive with the rest of my time! I need to hit the gym again and get back to eating more healthful foods than I have been of late. Too many lunches at Wendy's. Gack!

Ever since I read "Fast Food Nation" I have been TRYING to eliminate my patronage of all purveyers of fast/junk food but it's really not that easy!

and speaking of food, I see by the clock on the wall that it's almost lunchtime for me. I may be able to scribble some more electronic nonsense later today. But I doubt it.

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