MSNBC - Sales fall at Wendy's after finger discovery
This link takes us to a story that is talking about the impact on sales that the fast food chain "Wendy's" is dealing with after a women found a Human Finger in her Chili at a Wendy's in Cailifornia. The analysts say that the restaurant won't suffer much in the long run. And really, I for one believe them. I mean, it's not like the food killed the poor woman or anything. (anyone remember back in 1993 when E. coli O157:H7 killed customers who ate at Jack in the Box? There was Bad Meat and quite a few people ate it.) Oh, wait. People still eat at JitB. Lots of people. Do you ever wonder why? Why we knowingly eat food that is not only nutritionally poisonous, but is fed to us by people who literally don't care if we die? Well, they care. If you die, you can't spend your money in their stores. It's because we are ADDICTED to it. It's cheap, it tastes good, it's readily available, and NO ONE thinks that eating that one time in the fast food store of their choice is a problem. Well, in case you missed it in the Theatres, you really need to take a look at this movie: Super Size Me. And THEN you need to read the book: Fast Food Nation. These two resources together speak far more elegantly than I ever could on the subject.
Do me a favor, let me know your thoughts on this subject. Really. I am interested to know. Leave a comment here on the Blog. Let's start a discussion!
Oh, I was doing a bit more reading on line, and I found this interview with the author of Fast Food Nation: Eric Schlosser that you may enjoy.
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