About Me

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I live in Phoenix AZ, and have been working at the cable company since 1989, (I'll let you do the math...it depresses me too much!). I have a dog and a drum set at home that I play with/on regularly. Oh...and a computer. Duh... I shoot all Canon gear. Currently the 40D. I mainly focus on Glamour/Beauty/Artistic Nude photography, but I also love Event & Street photography!

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Nobody Blogs it Better

Well, that may be going a bit overboard. But not by much. When I first started looking into Blogging, I did some web searches, and read a little bit of a lot of peoples blogs. When I found a blog that I really enjoyed, I would bookmark it and check back every so often to see what's new there. It's kind of strange reading strangers blogs. You get to a point of familiarity with the writers. Not like they are your friends per se, just that there is a history that you know about because you read it when they wrote it. And if they are anything like me, they wrote it when they were emotionally compelled to do so. Sharing a bit of their own souls in the process. The good, the bad, the funny, the horrifying experiences of their lives are shown to you as part of the cathartic and healing power of Blogging.

(You may not think that is true. I am not trying to convince you that it is. But if you are at all interested in learning about it, try it out yourself, and I am convinced that you will agree with me.)

Well, back to the point. There are a small number of other blogs out there that I really like. And to help people find out about them, I have added links to a few of them on my site. So, when you, my loyal readers get the email that brings you back here...please take a little time to read some of them...and then leave me some feedback on this site.


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