I don’t want to have to choose evil in any form. I want to choose the Right Leader. The Leader who has the ability to make the correct decision more often than not. I am not looking for “perfection”. That doesn’t exist. I am looking for a Leader who has taken on the responsibility not because he covets power, but because he loves his family and wants to do his part to ensure the safety and security of his family along with my family for as long as possible. To me, this means that the far reaching decisions he makes while in office are based on the right thing to do for the Long Run, not just for the immediate gains that may be attained. If the right thing to do happens to anger the people who helped fund the way into office, then too bad for them.
I want to put a Leader in the White House whose honesty and integrity are beyond question. Not because he says they are, but because his entire adult life was spent PROVING it. Show me THAT man, and you will have my support and loyalty. Show me THAT man, and I will do MY part to see to it that other people are aware of him!
Once again, the mainstream presidential choices are not to my liking. One is a man who has had a shot at leading and, by many means of measuring success, has failed. And there is another who has, as many would say, questionable ethics in regard to his desire to attain the office. As far as I can tell, he is just as capable of causing a great many problems for this country and this world as the incumbent is.
So where does that lead us? With a choice that is, in my opinion, no choice at all. EVIL or evil. Either way you spell it, it’s got the same definition.
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- Just to let you all know, the above statement is my own, original writing. But I just recently found a link to a site that offers a similar bent on the "Lesser of Two Evils" concept. I have NOT done extensive research on this site and I am not declaring myself in agreement with everything it has to say, but in the case of THIS subject, I have to say that I certainly am mightily impressed with how similar our views are. Please take a few minutes and read the article, and then I would really appreciate it if you posted any thoughts or feedback you have in the comments section.
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