About Me

My photo
I live in Phoenix AZ, I worked at the cable company from 1989 thru 2024, (I'll let you do the math...it depresses me too much!). I shoot all Canon gear. Currently the 7D Mk II. Lately I have been focusing on Live Event & Street photography! Such as the Arizona Ren Fair and Phoenix Fan Fest.

Friday, December 31, 2004

Happy New Year! "Shout - don't shoot"

The Countdown has been happening all year I suppose. And even NOW we are counting down to the subsequent years to come...but I guess we all like to keep the calendar as uncluttered as possible by only tracking one year at a time.

I happen to be working until 7pm tonight, and have only the slightest plans to do any celebrating. It's really just another day for me. Sad, isn't it? Well. I hope to be able to change that sometime in the not too distant future, but in the mean time I am just hoping that it doesn't rain tonight. Not just water, but Lead. There is a really disturbing practice in major metropolitan cities to fire guns in the air on new years. I have never understood this. I mean, I know people are stoopid but there can't be people who don't know that the bullets that go up, come back down. I mean, where do they think the come down to? France?

So, since I haven't yet invested in a kevlar hat and vest, I will have to trust my fellow man NOT to kill me tonight by shooting off his weapon into the air. Wish me luck. Oh, and good luck to you as well!!

Post Script: For those of you who are still writing CHECKS instead of using Debit Cards...remember to use the correct YEAR!


Monday, December 27, 2004

Ballet...In Space

My friends,
This link will take you to the posting of a friend of mine. I would take it as a personal favor if you would take a few minutes to read her post, and post a comment there to let her know how you felt about her entry. I honestly feel that this woman has an amazing potential, but I would like to hear (read?) what other people think as well!

Thanks in advance everyone!

Friday, December 24, 2004

Ho Ho Ho...

Well, since my religious background is Jewish, Christmas has never been that big a deal to me. But I do like the pretty lights and the fact that many of my friends come home for the holidays. And that means I get to reconnect with them and have some good times.
This week, for instance, my close friends Chris and Paula and their lovely daughter Aurianna (Hope I am spelling her name correctly!) came in from thier home in Arkansas. We all gathered and Jessie and Jammies home to play some family games with J&J's kids Heatherbrae and Jessdyn. And it was a great time! We had a chance to have good conversation, take some fun pictures and just be together.
The following night (Last night) I had the pleasure of taking my friends out to dinner followed by a drive around the city streets looking at Christmas decorations. All in all, it has been a very pleasant experience. The only real damper on it is that I am fighting a bit of a head cold. Ick.
Tomorrow I will be back here in the office, working on Christmas day. But, again, since this isn't my holiday, what it REALLY means to me is triple time for the holiday! Woot!!
One of the things I regret is that I am not able to spend any time with either of my sisters. Or my nieces. I really need to make some calls and catch up on things.
So, to my family and friends that honor me by reading this Blog I would like to wish you all a Happy Holiday! And to all, a good night!

Tuesday, December 21, 2004


Originally uploaded by matt.ohara.
OK...This is just too funny to pass by without sharing!

Monday, December 20, 2004

[Fwd: Re: A Question from a Fan: Have you ever heard of NaNoWriMo?]

OK...so I decided to do the unthinkable. I decided to send an email to my FAVORITE author just to ask him a question. I had very little thoughts or hopes that I would ever get a reply. I mean, the man has got to get tons of email and have "things to do" etc. So it was quite the shock (and honor) that I not only got a reply, but within several hours of sending my message!

OK...OK, I know. As much as I enjoy his work and "idolize" him, I know he is just a man. Living in the same world as I do, and not any of the fantasy worlds he has created. I know all of this. But still...my heart really skipped a beat when I saw his email in my inbox! The bummer is, I didn't save the original message and his response was edited to delete the non-relevant content in relation to the answer to the question I asked him. In other words, I don't have a copy of the praise I sent him so I can't re-read it an gloat to myself at how clever I was in sending praise that wasn't the ramblings of a drooling fanboy, (Which is how I felt as I was writing it...)

Man. What a cool feeling. If you have the chance to make some kind of contact with your favorite author...take it! Really!

Here is the response I just got from Mr. Brust a few minutes ago.


From: Steve Brust <http://webmail.west.cox.net/agent/MobNewMsg?to=skzb@dreamcafe.com

Date: 2004/12/20 Mon PM 02:04:48 EST

To: http://webmail.west.cox.net/agent/MobNewMsg?to=wilgar@cox.net

Subject: Re: A Question from a Fan: Have you ever heard of NaNoWriMo?

...Now, on to the question I have for you.

I would like to know if you have heard of the website called National Novel Writing Month (http://www.nanowrimo.org)/. If you have, what is your opinion of it? If you haven't, here is a brief explination: Founded in 1999 by Chris Baty, the opbject is to get people to bash out a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. The primary thought behind it is that Quantity rather than Quality is the driving force to get folks started down the path of becoming Novelists. As a professional novelist yourself, your thoughts on this would be much appreciated.

-Thanks much for the kind words. I'm glad you liked the books, and took the time to tell me so.

Sorry, I'm not familiar with it, so I can't really comment. From what you say, I don't see what harm it could do, and it may do some good.

Hot Dogs and Used Cars

This morning at about 10:30 Jessie calls and asks me to join him for a day of car hunting at the big sale. So, on the way there, we take a detour and pick up Chris, a friend of ours who will also be joining the fun! The cool thing is, I haven't seen Chris for a few years since he lives out of state. His family is in town for the holidays. Although I knew he was coming to town, I didn't know he was already here!

The day was warm, the sky blue and here we were, on a used car lot taking test drives and having Chinese Fire Drills! (Man, that was funny!) The salesman Tim was one of the better car salesmen I have met. Not all that pushy, knowledgeable about the cars and the car buying process. And although he did do a few "salesman" things, overall I was pleased with his professionalism.

The vehicle that my friend bought is a 2002 Honda Passport Mini-SUV and I have to say I am really glad that he was able to get the deal since his current MiniVan is definately on it's last legs, so to speak.

Rock Star
Originally uploaded by Wilgar.

While he was doing the negotiating on the deal, I was chatting up the girl at the hot dog stand. So I ask you, if you had a camera, wouldn't YOU want her picture too?

And, this gave Chris and I a bit of time to catch up on things as well, which was really great! I miss him and his wife Paula a lot. I am hoping that we have a chance to talk while they're in town. I really need that.

OK...so, here we are at the end of the stream of thought that lead me to this posting in the first place, so I will just have to end this now. Enjoy the picture...!

Sunday, December 19, 2004

The Portal Wars

Rather than take up a bunch of space here, I decided to create another site that is dedicated to my writings more than just my musings. Follow the link to get the story.
Please post your comments about the story on the site itself.

And, Thank you all Very Much for all the support you have given me!


Saturday, December 18, 2004

Coming Soon...

Look for the first installment of: The Portal Wars coming soon...

Yes, Chris. THOSE Portal Wars...

Friday, December 17, 2004


Time has its way with us.
It takes us from youth to maturity and it cares not a bit whether or not we are ready for the journey. The idealist in me often turns my thoughts to the dreams that childhood gave me. The realist in me forces my mind's eye to look at life not as the idyllic playground of my happy youth, but as a brutally harsh environment that is uncaring of my feelings or my fears. Yet there is a part of me that knows something else is true. Beyond a doubt it knows with a certainty reserved only for those times in life when possibilities are ripped away and all that remains is the one single outcome of inevitability. This part of me knows with just that certainty that there are people in this world whose primary purpose in life is to enrich the lives of those around them in a way that few could imagine. My sister Julie is one such person.

She personifies in my mind the unique qualities of someone who does things not only for herself, but for her family as well. She is raising her two daughters to be the absolute best that they can be, and in the same motion is raising the bar for my life achievements. Forcing me to evaluate what I am doing and where I am going in a way that shows me that no matter how difficult it may seem, perseverance will win out and achievements will be mine. She doesn't know that I feel this way. Or, at least she didn't until just now. That's because she would never think of herself in these terms. She would just say that she is doing the best she can for her family and herself. And that is exactly my point. Her example is there for me (and anyone who knows her) to see and it is an example of how life should be lead.

And, on top of all of that, she is beautiful. She has ever and always been beautiful. Her physical appearance has changed ever so slightly over the past 20 odd years and as far as I can see it has only improved itself. I was struck with these thoughts just tonight as I viewed a recent picture that she sent me.

She stated in such a matter of fact way to me that this photo was taken by her 12 year old daughter to be used on the dust jacket of her latest book. Now, since I know her, and I know of the book she is referring to, I am not instantly surprised by the comment in and of itself. It happened as I looked at the picture longer and longer, and thought more about what that nonchalant sentence really meant. That's when it struck me. My sister’s 12 year old daughter has taken a photo to be used on the dust cover of her mother’s book. I am fairly certain that these circumstances are rare for most families. Proving once again to me that she is an exceptional woman with an exceptional life.

These thoughts raced through my mind, took a few hairpin turns and eventually wound their way here, to become words on a screen. Words waiting for a casual reader to happen upon them. To absorb them into thier minds and come a little closer to understanding something more about the author. That is why they exist. In short, they are waiting for you.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Not Quite Movie Review Time

I am not going to get into great detail here, but I would like to say that if you have any unhealed emotional scars caused by romantic relationships gone awry...beware the film "Closer" as it has the power to open the wounds and pour some industrial strength salt in them. Now, that being said, I would STILL recommend this film to anyone interested in watching a story unfold and being taken along on a journey of character developement and "real" relationship conversation that WILL make you blush.

Oh...and seeing Natalie Portman in as sexy a roll as I have ever seen her in is a bit of a plus for me as well.

What can I tell you...I'm a guy.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Follow-up to Termites

Wow...this is the most action I have had in responses in a looong time! Not sure if it's due to the horribleness of the bugs, or my incidental tugging of the heartstrings, but I thought I should follow up and let you all know that the Termite Treatment has been done and now all that is left is to wait a few weeks for the Termidor to do it's thing & kill the colony. I can't wait! The little buggers are STILL coming out of the ceiling!

So...I hired the Winter Bros since they were about $275 cheaper than the other quote and I am, at this time, happy with the work that was done. I am confident that in the coming weeks this will become just another problem that has been resolved by throwing money at it, (reminds me of the way the government runs things...).

Thanks to everyone who commented either on the site or in email on this. Your support is very touching.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

You wouldn't be reading this if it weren't for...

Old Computers.

There is something unmistakably cool about looking at the top of the line, state of the art personal electronic devices that our parents had when we were groing up. I still to this day have a vivid memory of the sound that my fathers "ancient" adding machine made as he punched in the numbers and hit the final key to calculate the answer to his mathematical question. It was loud and obnoxious at the time, but the memory is fond and warm to me now. I remember that he marveled at the cost of the machine. He bought it at the Park and Swap for $20.00. The part of this that he marveled at was his memory of paying several HUNDRED dollars for the SAME MACHINE just 20 years previous.

So, when I came across this website that is an on line museum of the machines that have come before, I couldn't resist sharing the link. I know there are some of my friends that won't get as big a kick out of this as I did...and there are others that will like it even more. But no matter where your personal interest lays you have to acknowledge that you wouldn't be where you are at this moment, doing what you are doing right now if it weren't for these machines that have come before...


Ramblings of a Working Man

Be prepared…this may tend to ramble a bit. Sorry. It’s just the way the thoughts are flowing at the moment…

It keeps happening to me while I am at work. I get involved in a thought or a feeling that is the true essence of me, and then the distractions of my surroundings take it all away from me. I think at the time it happens that the feeling is gone forever, but somehow it keeps coming back to me. But it seems to only come when I am not able to capitalize on it. Like now, when I am surrounded by visual and audible distractions (i.e. my job…)

Some of you may ask why I seem to do most of my posting while on the job. Well, the simple truth is that my home is even more of a distraction at times. With the girls vying for my attention, and the constant sound of the TV coming from across the hall, and the general disarray of my room and such…sitting at my desk at work seems to be the more conducive place for me to write. Personally I think that is sad and I would like to change that. Hhhmm…

So, back to the point I was making. I was reading on a friend’s blog some of her deepest thoughts. At least they SEEM like her deepest thoughts. They are at least the deep thoughts that she has chosen to share with the world by publishing them on her Web Log. But I know from the few brief encounters that I have had with her that she is a deep thinker and there are still things deep inside that will likely never make it to the page just because that is the way deep thoughts are…I am looking forward to seeing more of these thoughts bubble up to the surface.

And, for anyone out there that is lurking in the background who may be thinking of starting a blog of their own, I would encourage you to take that step. Take the all-important first step. Start writing your petty thoughts and let someone else read them. It is very liberating. Believe me.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Pest Control Blues

So, I learned that my house has termites. I learned this because the little critters are coming out of my living room ceiling! 3 strands seemingly appeared over night! I have to say that it really gives me the willies being in that room!

Naturally, as soon as I noticed them, I started looking in the phone book for someone to take care of the problem. And just as naturally, it was a weekend so there was no one answering the phones when I called. It took 3 days to get someone out just to give me an estimate!

Now, I never really had any practical experience in dealing with these pests, but I remember several years ago learning from a friend that the treatments can be rather expensive. And now I know that he's right! The first quote I got was for over $1000.00! Then I experienced various problems getting someone else out to the house to give me a 2nd estimate, but today it finally happened. Here's the thing: I got the referral from my ex-fiancé who now lives in Ohio. She recommended this guy that she knew here in Phoenix. She said he specialized in treating termites and that he may actually give me a discount if I tell him that she referred me. And even though I know that this was a guy she was "dating" while we were "broken up" but still living together...a buck is a buck so I gave the man a call.

Turns out, a buck is actually closer to $300! His price quote was $300 less then the first estimate I got and he will do more work, with a longer (lifetime) guarantee! So, I think I can swallow my pride a bit and save some cash along the way.

So tell me, what would you do in this situation?