About Me

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I live in Phoenix AZ, and have been working at the cable company since 1989, (I'll let you do the math...it depresses me too much!). I have a dog and a drum set at home that I play with/on regularly. Oh...and a computer. Duh... I shoot all Canon gear. Currently the 40D. I mainly focus on Glamour/Beauty/Artistic Nude photography, but I also love Event & Street photography!

Friday, December 31, 2004

Happy New Year! "Shout - don't shoot"

The Countdown has been happening all year I suppose. And even NOW we are counting down to the subsequent years to come...but I guess we all like to keep the calendar as uncluttered as possible by only tracking one year at a time.

I happen to be working until 7pm tonight, and have only the slightest plans to do any celebrating. It's really just another day for me. Sad, isn't it? Well. I hope to be able to change that sometime in the not too distant future, but in the mean time I am just hoping that it doesn't rain tonight. Not just water, but Lead. There is a really disturbing practice in major metropolitan cities to fire guns in the air on new years. I have never understood this. I mean, I know people are stoopid but there can't be people who don't know that the bullets that go up, come back down. I mean, where do they think the come down to? France?

So, since I haven't yet invested in a kevlar hat and vest, I will have to trust my fellow man NOT to kill me tonight by shooting off his weapon into the air. Wish me luck. Oh, and good luck to you as well!!

Post Script: For those of you who are still writing CHECKS instead of using Debit Cards...remember to use the correct YEAR!



GreatMamboChicken said...

As for the plans issue, a project is in the works to resolve that one.

In reference to the Kevlar* hat comment, I have to agree with you on the "stupid hoomans" comment. I've tried to have faith in humanity to find their way into the future, but too often I am reminded that many of them shouldn't be allowed into a future that they so carelessly endanger. It's too bad that those bullets fall upon the innocent more often than they fall upon the ones doing the shooting.

I give my words the power to protect you.

Anyone reading these words and truly believing in me shall be protected from the rain of lead on this most dangerous of holidays.

See you next year.

Steven said...

I am a Believer in Oshiah for I have survived the Reign of Lead yet again!