About Me

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I live in Phoenix AZ, and have been working at the cable company since 1989, (I'll let you do the math...it depresses me too much!). I have a dog and a drum set at home that I play with/on regularly. Oh...and a computer. Duh... I shoot all Canon gear. Currently the 40D. I mainly focus on Glamour/Beauty/Artistic Nude photography, but I also love Event & Street photography!

Friday, June 25, 2004

How did the Early Settlers do it??

I don't know how anyone used to survive in this place before the invention of Air Conditioning! I mean, Yeesh!! My A/C was out of commission for 2 days and it was miserable in here! You can’t sleep that way…talk about a restless night! Of course, there may have been other reasons I couldn’t sleep…like an over active imagination that was “Filling in the Blanks” from the evenings activities…but still. It was freaking HOT last in this house last night!!


So, $200.00 later, the condenser fan motor having been replaced by a professional, the house is cool, the dogs are happy, and I will FINALLY be able to get to sleep at a decent hour. Of course, there is still that issue with an over active imagination to deal with…


Steven said...

2) You are not the ONLY one with comments, but you are one of the few who post them here. I for one am glad that you do!

1) If they were so tough then they wouldn't have invented Air Conditioning in the first place! :)


Unknown said...


AC is yet annother wasteful tool we Neo-Mammals use to try and tame our environment, instead of adapting to it.

The settlers adapted by killing or driving off the version of Homo sapiens that had adapted to the area, then by diverting a large water source to provide evaporative cooling.

When I was down there, I never used the AC. Not only was it annoyingly cold, but it introduces all sorts of nasty molds and spores into your air. My last wimp roommate (when I lived in apartments) ran the AC 24/7, and eventually froze the condenser solid.

My father chose to live in Las Vegas to make his fortune. When he did, he decided that there was no reason HE should ever be uncomfortable. So the AC was set to 65 degrees all the time. I caught a freaking cold.

In Las Vegas. During the Summer.

The Swamp Cooler is the way to go, if you must modify your environment. The human machne adapts better to its gradual cooling, and it saves on the sheckels as well.


Silly Mage. Others post comments here, when necessary. We just need to retrain the denizens of the valley to visit Ashwood Hall often for news and wisdom.
