About Me

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I live in Phoenix AZ, and have been working at the cable company since 1989, (I'll let you do the math...it depresses me too much!). I have a dog and a drum set at home that I play with/on regularly. Oh...and a computer. Duh... I shoot all Canon gear. Currently the 40D. I mainly focus on Glamour/Beauty/Artistic Nude photography, but I also love Event & Street photography!

Monday, December 20, 2004

Hot Dogs and Used Cars

This morning at about 10:30 Jessie calls and asks me to join him for a day of car hunting at the big sale. So, on the way there, we take a detour and pick up Chris, a friend of ours who will also be joining the fun! The cool thing is, I haven't seen Chris for a few years since he lives out of state. His family is in town for the holidays. Although I knew he was coming to town, I didn't know he was already here!

The day was warm, the sky blue and here we were, on a used car lot taking test drives and having Chinese Fire Drills! (Man, that was funny!) The salesman Tim was one of the better car salesmen I have met. Not all that pushy, knowledgeable about the cars and the car buying process. And although he did do a few "salesman" things, overall I was pleased with his professionalism.

The vehicle that my friend bought is a 2002 Honda Passport Mini-SUV and I have to say I am really glad that he was able to get the deal since his current MiniVan is definately on it's last legs, so to speak.

Rock Star
Originally uploaded by Wilgar.

While he was doing the negotiating on the deal, I was chatting up the girl at the hot dog stand. So I ask you, if you had a camera, wouldn't YOU want her picture too?

And, this gave Chris and I a bit of time to catch up on things as well, which was really great! I miss him and his wife Paula a lot. I am hoping that we have a chance to talk while they're in town. I really need that.

OK...so, here we are at the end of the stream of thought that lead me to this posting in the first place, so I will just have to end this now. Enjoy the picture...!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lucky you. No Mhoram for me this week.

Nice snap. I'm not allowed to post the most recent pictures I've taken of good looking women, but I did manage to get a few shots up anyway.

No hot dogs, though....